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General and Professional Education
3/2018 pp. 57-64

Zastosowanie aplikacji 3D Static Strength Prediction Program w edukacji w zakresie ergonomii

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In order to support and improve the quality of education, universities, especially technical ones, conduct exercises using computer software. Students of the Faculty of Organization and Management at the Silesian University of Technology learn many issues in the field of ergonomics, which are correlated with the capabilities of the 3DSSPP program. Therefore, the paper presents the possibilities of using 3D Static Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP). The program is used to analyze the static load of the musculoskeletal system for various types of activities performed at the workplace. The effect of designing using the 3DSSPP software is biomechanical analysis, as well as the analysis of the stability of the body position. According to the developers of the 3DSSPP software, this program is used by ergonomists, loss-control specialists, engineers, physical and professional therapists, researchers and others who evaluate and design jobs.

Ключевые слова

ergonomics, education quality, 3DSSPP

Библиографический список

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4. Żabińska, I., Kuboszek, A., Ergonomic diagnosis of concrete mixer workplace. Case study, XV International Conference Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering. Conference proceedings, Vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 751-758, PANOVA, 2018.

5. 3D Static Strength Prediction Program TM, Version 7.0.2, User Manual, Michigan, 2018.