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General and Professional Education
3/2017 pp. 35-39

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The education reform being implemented stirs a lot of emotions both among teachers as well as pupils and their parents. However, a close consideration of the present upper secondary school graduates and their abilities of assimilating the material obligatory at higher education level lead to a conclusion that the current core curriculum at the third and the fourth level of education urgently needs to be changed. Furthermore, changes of the number of hours allocated at present to sciences ought to be reconsidered. The changes are necessary, because the number of hours allocated at present to teaching sciences does not match the amount of information and skills that a future student of a technical university ought to possess. Education at the third and fourth level of education has a very strong impact on the possibility of educating young people at higher education institutions. This paper presents young people’s educational problems by examining the case of the Maritime University in Szczecin.

Ключевые слова

education reform, problems with teaching physics and chemistry, core curriculum of physics and chemistry

Библиографический список

1. (access3.03.2017).

2. (access3.03.2017).

3. Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 27 sierpnia 2012 r. w sprawie podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego oraz kształcenia ogólnego w poszczególnych typach szkół, Dziennik Ustaw 2012 r., poz. 977, Załącznik nr 4 – Podstawa programowa kształcenia ogólnego dla gimnazjów i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych, których ukończenie umożliwia uzyskanie świadectwa dojrzałości po zdaniu egzaminu maturalnego.

4. (access3.03.2017).

5. Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 28 marca 2017 w sprawie ramowych planów nauczania dla publicznych szkół, Dziennik Ustaw 2017, poz. 703, tom 1.