1/2017 pp. 66-73
Rozpoznanie piękna przez studentów architektury
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: The understanding of the idea of beauty and its discovery have been controversial and discussed by a number of specialists in various fields. The discussion aims at analyzing and focusing on the creative process of architecture. Future architecture students should be aware of the significance of the profession and expectations of architecture recipients. The process of creating an architectural object, such as a facility, cluster of buildings, and a building structure is a sum total of structural and aesthetic as well as financial and economic factors. Due to the legal basis for copyright, an architect becomes an artist and creator. Every creator needs to seek beauty, and even if he/she does not find it, any effort is an attempt to perceive the space and look for aesthetic sensitivity.
The process of searching for beauty in the contemporary architecture in the context of the classical theory invites a student to a discourse on the notion of beauty, a notion which has transformed and evolved in history. One of postulates of the contemporary architecture focuses on searching for the aesthetics of the surrounding. It is also important that the recipient seeks beauty. Today, the assessment of an architectural facility and its analysis boil down to discovering the form of beauty in it. Therefore, the understanding of beauty at the stage of studying has a significant impact on the way the profession of the architect is exercised in the future.
The role of beauty in the contemporary architecture is paramount. The problem is whether it is properly understood and described. The art comprises a combination of beauty and a specific function, a combination which is struggled against by many architects. The obligation of a creator is to encapsulate beauty and harmony in his/her every creation. It is worth emphasizing, however, that the contemporary architecture has a much broader goal but creating beauty. Priorities include social, utility (functionality), and ecological features, and other. Thus, the recognition of beauty by architecture students is only one of a number of important factors while studying architecture.
Ключевые словаrecipient and beauty creator, aesthetics, recognition of space, profession of architect
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