1/2017 pp. 8-15
Nauczanie percepcji architektury na Wydziale Budownictwa i Architektury Zachodniopomomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie
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Learning architecture has always been an arduous, multi-threaded process requiring high skills at entirely different areas of knowledge including objective issues like mathematics, geometry or physics as well as subjective ones like art & psychology. If the objective issues might be described & accordingly taught using known scientific & rational methods the subjective ones were difficult to put into some scientifically verifiable frames. One of the main subjective factors about architecture is its perception both from author’s & visual recipient’s point of view. There might be a total discrepancy between these two points of view; moreover, some architecture solutions might be approved among connoisseurs but thoroughly rejected by the unprofessional audience. De gustibus non disputandum est as famous Latin maxim says. On the other hand, we mustn’t forget that architects don’t create their projects for themselves only (as unfortunately it seems too many of them) but they should reckon with the opinion of their payers. Perhaps the perception of architect’s work, methods of its creation, stimulation and in some cases manipulation is the most important knowledge for an architect if he wants effects of his toil to be appreciated. The article puts forward the methodology of teaching architectural perception in Szczecin ZUT Architecture Faculty. The methodology is based on three – model education system consisting of technological, humanistic and critical models and deriving from the three worlds theory of K.R.Popper.
Ключевые словаbiotop, education modeling, spacial manipulation, perception, psychology, recipients, three worlds of K.R. Popper, visual area, visual world
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