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General and Professional Education
1/2016 pp. 53-58

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The introduction of a three-tier model of higher education (the Bologna model) has led to considerable changes in the 1st- and 2nd-tier of the technical courses at universities. At present, a student with a bachelor’s degree can be employed in his / her profession after completing only 7 semesters of study. A search is under way for methods of combining theoretical knowledge taught at universities with practical knowledge gained afterwards. This is accompanied by technological and economic transformations, creating the need for new programmes and teaching methods in order to keep graduates up to speed with the ever-changing global labour market. This paper summarizes attempts to incorporate real-life labour market experience into the process of educating students in the Architecture Department. This has been achieved through a series of lectures by business owners delivering construction technologies, hands-on student training, as well as student competitions organized by companies.

Ключевые слова

architecture, student education, theory, practice

Библиографический список

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