1/2015 pp. 17-25
Уровни сформированности рече-культурной адаптации иностранных студентов (на примере анализа креолизованных рекламных текстов)
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The article discusses the problem of implementation of speech and cultural adaptation of foreign students. The emphasis is on the fact that the most suitable for secondary socialization linguistic identity and cultural formation of the secondary image of the world are pragmatic authentic materials, namely creolized advertising texts. Designated levels and criteria of formation of speech and cultural adaptation in the new linguocultural community. Are examples of tasks and elements of exercises based on the analysis of texts creolized Ukrainian advertising and aimed at improvement linguistic and cultural knowledge. Theoretical propositions concerning the formation of the vocabulary of students mastering cultural information, mastering the rules of literary language are illustrated by the analysis of specific elements of advertising texts.
Ключевые словаspeech and cultural adaptation, foreign students, creolized advertising text, higher education, communication skills, cultural knowledge, level of development
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