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General and Professional Education
2/2014 pp. 62-71

Efektywność komplesowo obudowanego wykładu problemowo - semiprogramowanego w szkole wyższej

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The search for an effective academic lecture led the author of this elaboration to the conception of an academic lecture new formula. It is a completely automated problematic, semi-programmed lecture. The value of this conception was experimentally analyzed. In this survey 180 students of Polish universities finally participated. As the result of the research proved, the completely enclosed problematic, semi-programmed fully automated lecture allows to obtain perfect knowledge and skills as well as skills to be used in conventional and unconventional situations. It can be said that it better prepares students to the future work, compared with the usual lecture. There is no doubt, that exploitation of the academic lecture new formula in educational process is more effective in every respect. Students of the experimental group obtained much better results in expanding the field of knowledge and skills to be used in conventional and unconventional situations compared with the results obtained by the control groups.

Ключевые слова

effectiveness, lecture, semi-programming

Библиографический список

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