backНазад к 4/2012
General and Professional Education
4/2012 pp. 28-35

Глаголы в формулировке условий исследовательских заданий по морфологии украинского языка

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The article is devoted to studying the essential characteristics of "thinking" verbs and their functions in the structure of formulations of a condition of research tasks on Ukrainian morphology. The condition of language research tasks formulation model is proved, classification of the verbs used in the conditions of language tasks, depending on type of tasks and the level of the cognitive (informative) sphere is offered. Semantics of verbs with value of cognitive productive action in tasks of perspective and informative, analytic and synthetic and actually research character is defined, and also the verbs used in the conditions of tasks to exercises on morphology of the modern textbook "The Ukrainian language. 6th grade" are presented.

Ключевые слова

verbs of thinking, levels of the cognitive (informative) sphere, cognitive domain, a condition of research tasks formulations model, conditions of the research task on morphology

Библиографический список

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